
continuous area中文什么意思

发音:   用"continuous area"造句
  • 连续分布区
  • 连续区
  • continuous:    adj. 1.连续的,继续的,无间断的。 2.【植物;植 ...
  • area:    n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英国〕地下室前 ...
  • be continuous with:    与...相连, 是...的延续部分
  • continuous:    adj. 1.连续的,继续的,无间断的。 2.【植物;植物学】无节的。 a continuous current 恒(向电)流。 continuous fire 连续射击。 continuous rain 连绵不断的雨。 a continuous train of thoughts 一连串的思想。 a continuous wave (radar) 等幅波(雷达)。 adv. -ly
  • a area:    区域
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Each new form, as soon as it has been much improved, will be able to spread over the open and continuous area .
  2. To move files , libraries , or folders together on disk to create a continuous area of unused space
  3. In data management system , to move library members together in a library to create one continuous area of unused space in the library
  4. It shall be carefully considered when the equi - area method of reinforcement is used for large opening , external pipe loads , close to non - continuous area or fatigue loads
  5. If the urbanization rate is more than 30 % and below 70 % , the city quantity increases rapidly and concentrated district and the continuous area in big cities appears
    如果城镇化水平在30 70 ,城市数量迅速增加,城市地域大幅度拓展并出现城市密集地区和大城市连绵区。




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